[みーせーてー!ゆうくんのおえかきちょう Let Me See!! Yu's Sketchbook] Digital artbook series

"I'll buy you a candy! So show me your sketchbook!" With this digital artbook series, you can enjoy Yu Ando's personal sketchbook.


In 2012, I have held an exhibition in Tottori city,[My memories, for sale.] at Gallery Andoh. I wanted to change people's idea about "owning an artwork". To achieve that, almost all artwork exhibited and sold there were drawn on normal thin paper anyone would use, see, and touch in everyday life. Pricing was decided by the time I have spent on a work calculated with the minimum hourly wage of Tottori city. This way, anyone can buy my artwork with understandable pricing and I can also earn money adequate (or at least adequate according to Tottori city's idea) for my effort to make the artwork.

With [みーせーてー!ゆうくんのおえかきちょう Let Me See!! Yu's Sketchbook] series, a purchaser will be able to digitally own a compilation of artwork with very affordable price (4 US cents or less per a picture). This is much lower than the time I have spent for a digital artbook multiplied by Tottori's minimum hourly wage, but at the same time, as this is a digital book, copies of the book can be multiplied without any effort.

This series of books is not using DRM, so a purchaser can make a backup copy, or give someone a copied book. However, unless you have downloaded copy of the book on your device, if the publisher (Amazon) stop the publishing service, or change its digital distribution service, there is a chance that on-cloud version of the book might disappear.


今回の「みーせーてー!ゆうくんのおえかきちょう Let Me See!! Yu's Sketchbook」では、購買者は作品群を格安(表紙がを含め作品1枚につき4円もしくはそれ以下の価格)でデジタル的に所有できるようになっている。これは作品集を制作するのに要した時間に鳥取の最低時給を掛けたものよりも安価な価格設定であるが、同時にこの作品集はデジタルコンテンツとして無限数を販売することが可能となっている。


「みーせーてー!ゆうくんのおえかきちょう Let Me See!! Yu's Sketchbook vol.1」

「みーせーてー!ゆうくんのおえかきちょう Let Me See!! Yu's Sketchbook vol.2」